Met trots kunnen wij zeggen dat Interdobs verkozen is tot SAP Business Technology Platform Partner of the Year 2023!
Afgelopen dinsdag was het zover en werden de SAP Partner Awards 2023 in stijl uitgereikt tijdens een feestelijke avond op het prachtige landgoed Parc Broekhuizen in Leersum.
Het thema dit jaar was ‘A Taste of Excellence’ en dit thema benadrukt de presentaties van partners die grenzen verleggen en innovatie, creatie en inspiratie nastreven. Ronald Hoenink, Head of SAP Business Technology Platform bij SAP Nederland, reikte de award uit aan Rob en Leon met de volgende fantastische woorden van de jury:
“Interdobs is een toonaangevende SAP partner in het Data & Analytics domein. Met klanten zoals BAM, Vitens en Versuni laten ze al jarenlang zien dat zij één van de meest specialistische SAP partners zijn op dit gebied. Via korte lijnen met het SAP productmanagement ondersteunen zij SAP met nieuwe ontwikkelingen rondom Datasphere. De vooruitstrevende case van Versuni is kenmerkend voor hun expertise, waarbij Interdobs de Versuni organisatie heeft geholpen met hun performance tijdens de Amazon Prime Days. Het laat zien dat Interdobs de volledige SAP strategie rondom Datasphere met verve uitdraagt. Excellent!”
Verder neemt Ronald je in deze nieuwsbrief mee op reis door de data-evolutie van SAP Data Warehouse Cloud naar SAP Datasphere.
En Odin van Doorn legt in zijn blog uit hoe je automatische checks op HANA-modellen kunt implementeren en hoe het daarmee gemakkelijker wordt om de kwaliteit van je HANA inrichting te verbeteren.
Heel veel leesplezier!
Interdobs Celebrates Award-Winning Innovation with SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud
Our 4rd partner award and it never gets bored!
Interdobs is thrilled to announce its recent accolade as the SAP Business Technology Platform Partner of the Year, a testament to the groundbreaking work done in collaboration with Versuni during high-traffic retail events such as Amazon Prime Day.
This project, aimed at optimizing performance through the advanced capabilities of Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud, has set a new benchmark in the industry for technological innovation and business performance enhancement.
Lees hoe dit succes is bereikt.
Pioneering Datasphere: A Consultant’s Voyage Through SAP’s Data Evolution
In the ever-evolving world of data management and analytics, the journey to expertise is as dynamic as the technology itself. My adventure into the realm of SAP Datasphere serves as a testament to this continuous evolution. Starting out as an early adopter and consultant in this niche, I encountered a landscape where resources were scarce, and learning paths were as intricate as the data we sought to untangle. I remember vividly logging on for the first time over 4 years ago and figuring out what exactly I was looking at :-).
The challenge was not just in mastering the technology, but in piecing together fragmented knowledge to build a cohesive understanding of a powerful tool that was set to redefine data warehousing in the cloud era. Coming from an SAP BW world, this had its challenges, but it’s safe to say that SAP Datasphere can be an incredible tool for faster “time to information”. Or in simpler terms, a tool that shortens development cycles. That is, if you know what you’re doing 😊. This blog is here to help you out and give you all you need to scale your knowledge in a cloud world! Lees Ronald zijn blog
Automated quality checks on your HANA models. It is possible!
Making sure that every developer sticks to the programming standards and validating code quality is always challenging. Especially for HANA models, as the calculation views are only visible in a graphical way. Checking all the views manually is almost impossible due to the sheer quantity. Wouldn’t it be nice to get an automatic overview of all HANA models and see if they are built according to the modeling guidelines? We have a solution for you!
In this blog Odin focus on a way to extract information from the graphical views by taking the ‘raw model data’ as a basis for the analysis. This raw data is an XML file that allows for automated quality checks of your HANA models. This requires technical knowledge … He can assure you that it is worth reading if you like to get your hands dirty ;-). Lees de blog van Odin